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How we achieved a 15X ROI using Google Grants

who they are

Founded in 1973 by then 19-year-old Greg Laurie, Harvest has grown from humble beginnings to become one of the largest churches in America. Now consisting of more than 15,000 members, Harvest began as a home Bible study made up of 30 people. Nearly five decades later, Harvest continues to reach millions of people through radio, television, and online sources.

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6 columns and 5 rows of pink dots.Greg Laurie standing on stage talking to thousands of people.
The Problem

Spending the $10,000 and generating donations


After managing their Google Grant account in-house for a few months, the Harvest team found it challenging to increase their ad spend and utilize the entire $10,000 budget. They had set up multiple campaigns for their programs, but their AdGroups were too disorganized and broad – A lack of conversions was also a significant issue. Without the ability to track conversions back to their Google Analytics account, they couldn’t identify which keywords generated the best conversions. Below you'll find their numbers before they began working with us:

  • Ad Spend: $1,628
  • CTR: 7.35%
  • Meaningful Conversions: 0
  • Conversion Value: 0

To foster the type of success Harvest wanted and deserved, we used the solutions below. 🚀

Google Grant
Custom Donor Persona
In-Depth Keyword Research
Custom Landing Pages
A white quotation mark icon.

The results

We introduced SKAG (Single Keyword AdGroups)


Working with Harvest has been a real pleasure. We’ve happily embraced the opportunity to assist this fantastic nonprofit while helping advance its mission. A bonus is that their values align with ours, and they're local to us — quite the win-win, by all accounts.

Organizing and cleaning up their account.
As always, before we could begin improving their performance, we had to focus on organizing their account. To correctly identify what's working and what's causing waste, data needs to be collected in a way, so it's easy to read. We started by correctly naming their campaigns, showing relevant columns, and adding labels to their AdGroups and ads. We also ditched AdGroups that had duplicate keywords.

Optimizing their account.
Once we achieved the level of organization we were after, we focused on optimizing the account. Before creating any new campaigns, we carefully analyzed their keyword history. As far as 2014, we identified their low-competition keywords that had generated a high CTR and impressions – our goal was to Conversion Flip these keywords.

Pro tip: If you want to generate quick wins for your account, focus on Conversion Flipping keywords with strong impressions and CTR. It's clear user's (people) are interested in what you're saying – You just need to deliver on your post-click strategy.

We then created single keyword AdGroups (SKAG) campaigns and designed customized landing pages that guaranteed users a premium experience. When coupled with the Harvest brand name, this strategy generated more clicks and a remarkably satisfying ROI. Below you’ll see the numbers that prove our success. 👇

Increased click-through rate (CTR) by over 186%.
Increased total monthly ad spend by over 529%.
Over 120 high value conversions per month.
Over a 15X ROI measuring conversion value.

Hey, there. 👋
I’m Michael Mentado.

Director of PPC @ Blue Tusk Digital

I’m Michael, but feel free to call me Mike. Along with our CEO, I keep a close eye on all our accounts and account managers. With over a decade of leadership experience and masterminding everything PPC, you can be confident that your account will be in the best hands. If you’re ready to learn how your account is performing get your free review from me today!

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100% free Google Ad Grant review.

Ad Spend Evaluation
You’ll learn why a low CPC can be cause for concern
Traffic Location
You’ll learn if your traffic is coming from sketchy places.
Structure Analysis
You’ll learn of potential issues with the set up of your account.
Proper Tracking
You’ll learn if your conversions (goals) are tracking correctly.
A photo of Michael Mentado.
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