BCI's website is amazing and made our six month goal achievable. Their website has a ton of resources, including blogs, guides, and videos. Their website’s content included everything from creating bat houses to instructions on removing bats from your home. In this regard, the BCI website was an encyclopedia on all things bat.
Using Google Analytics for success.
Since their website had such great content, we knew they were ranking organically for important keywords. We used Google Analytics (GA) to determine which pages received the highest traffic with the lowest bounce and exit rate.
Implementing our new strategy.
Our initial research showed us that keywords from GA were going to be a great fit. Once we selected the keywords we wanted to focus on, we created a landing page to focus on lead generation, and allow users to subscribe to get the content they wanted quickly. Overall, after six months of split testing and pivoting based on the collected data, we consistently maxed out BCI’s Google Grant, increased their unique website visitors, and much more! Below you’ll see the numbers that prove BCI's success. 👇